New Maxmail Feature: Double Opt-In

September 29, 2014
New Maxmail Feature Double Opt-In
Maxmail is offering all customers the chance of increasing the effectiveness of email campaigns through the new feature of double opt-in. Email marketers are constantly using the term ‘opt-in’ (messages which are sent only upon the recipients permission), while others talk about ‘double opt-in’ (also referred to as ‘confirmed opt-in’) as if it were a completely different thing. But is it really? Below are the key differences between the new Maxmail feature of...
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New Canadian Anti-Spam Law

August 20, 2014
New Canadian Anti-Spam Law
It’s a global consensus – nobody likes SPAM. We want to be contacted with information of value and benefit to us, instead of having our inboxes flooded with useless, unwanted information and most marketers unfortunately tend to forget this. But SPAM means more than just unsolicited commercial messaging; it can also be the cause for online identity theft, phishing, spyware and malware that affects both individuals and organizations equally. Essentially, SPAM compromises the stability...
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How to Get Started with Email Marketing

May 27, 2014
How to Get Started with Email Marketing
Simplicity, cost effectiveness and scope: Email Marketing has opened the door and warmly ushered in millions of potential customers all over the world.With the right tools and advice it can be a great way to inform customers of upcoming products and services. Success derived from email marketing is also very easy to measure. Measuring success is easy, but the success itself? That is the part of Email Marketing which has many marketers stumped. Despite redundancy and saturation, it is not to...
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