Google’s new Android App, Google Inbox is just one among the many customer centric apps that Google has launched – and that’s exactly the point, it has been designed and deployed with the user in mind and not the marketer. Thus far the App is available by invite only but will be available on a far more accessible scale very soon. It’s good to take note of this app at beta stage however especially due to how it will affect your overall visibility on email.
The most...
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New Gmail Unsubscribe Link
September 17, 2014

Google is on a continuous drive to make their email platform easy to use and clutter free. As a result more and more Gmail users can simply choose to ignore your messages if you haven’t done your homework and presented your email marketing campaign correctly. Take the new Gmail Unsubscribe button for instance, which has been now placed to feature prominently on all incoming commercial emails, giving readers the additional benefit to unsubscribe from marketing messages they...
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How to Represent Your Brand in Email Marketing
August 27, 2014

Using email as a marketing medium is still one of the most tried, tested and successful tools you have at your possession – the key is to be able to do it right. Purchasing the right software, developing the right content and actually sending out the mails are just the first steps in the ladder to a successful email marketing campaign.
It’s not just about your content but also who the content is coming from – how do you ensure that your brand schematics are coherently...
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