Cyber Monday Mistakes to Avoid

November 11, 2014
Cyber Monday Mistakes to Avoid
Cyber Monday, the officially opening of the chaotic, end-of-year shopping season begins on the 1st of December this year making it a doubly ideal date to kick things off. This means the busiest time of the year is now upon you and your marketing team. If you have your activities carefully planned out, then you probably have very little to worry about. The biggest thing to remember is that if you too are launching your digital seasonal activities on Cyber Monday with the rest of the internet...
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How to Ignite Action From Your Audience

October 27, 2014
How to Ignite Action From Your Audience
Over the last couple of years, there has been an ongoing debate over whether or not email marketing is still a viable marketing method in the wake of the growing trend of social media marketing. Despite the cynic's, research proves that email marketing remains more effective than social media when attracting new customers. In fact customer acquisitions from email marketing has grown by four times over the last four years. Although social media marketing is more beneficial for customer...
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How to Get Started with Email Marketing

May 27, 2014
How to Get Started with Email Marketing
Simplicity, cost effectiveness and scope: Email Marketing has opened the door and warmly ushered in millions of potential customers all over the world.With the right tools and advice it can be a great way to inform customers of upcoming products and services. Success derived from email marketing is also very easy to measure. Measuring success is easy, but the success itself? That is the part of Email Marketing which has many marketers stumped. Despite redundancy and saturation, it is not to...
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