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API Facility

API Call

The Maxmail API is based on the REST paradigm, and thus features resource based URLs with standard HTTP response codes to indicate errors. We use standard HTTP authentication and request verbs, and all responses are JSON formatted.

To make the integration process as easy as possible, we include test API keys with all accounts. Any requests made with test API keys will handle data and give responses, but not actually send any emails.

Maxmail Transactional API Call


1- format : json/xml / optional, default xml

2- api_key : your api key App → Setting → API Credentials / required

3- user_email : Your account email /optional

4- email: recipient email: / required

5- comp: recipient company name. /optional

6- fname: recipient first name. / optional

7- lname: recipient last name /optional

8- mob: recipient mobile number /optional

9- city: recipient city /optional

10- ctry: recipient country /optional

11- age: recipient age /optional

12- subject : email subject / required

13- from_address: sender from address / required

14- template_id: defined template id; /optional

15- html: email body / required

16- cf_*: defined custom field id / optional

API response codes

101 => 'Invalid Email',

113 => 'Campaign does not exist.',

116 => 'Email value is empty.',

118 => 'HTML or template_id value is empty.',

121 => 'Campaign is not a template.',

122 => 'Sender email value is empty.',

200 => 'OK',

400 => 'Authentication failed (invalid API key or User email)',

401 => 'Not enough parameters',

777 => 'No credits available.'

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